The Olympic Park Masterplan

AIM: Diversity/Interrelatedness: The study of the effects of large scale associative and unified systems and explore the positive qualities and effects of disjunction, erasure and sparse proliferation within these continuous fields.

A medium scale master plan or a "building mass" provides a fertile ground for associative design either of buildings or in a smaller scale of building components and elements. The location and specific brief can be decided at a later stage.

Moving now beyond the notion of the single building object -ie the Olympic Stadium, the aim of the spring 2009 studio is to research and invent ways to formally control the complex set of issues that constitute the organization of the Olympic Masterplan. We seek to find credible, meaningful and performing organization that employs a combination of methods under an algorithmic denomination to control and proliferate the necessary spatial condition.
This semester long study will dive into methods, techniques and experimental research on digital and algorithmic design systems, with a particular focus on the investigation of hybrid and interrelated systems of integration.
The aim should be to develop particular skill sets that will be enhanced by digital computational tools such as parametric modelling. The study of research methods and perhaps methods of collaboration between students or groups of students in multilateral fashion and seek to find the potential advantages from these multiple-input set-ups.

The students will be introduced to means of producing patterns and 3D forms and be encouraged to explore urban conditions of varying densities using contemporary design tools.
Scripting workshops and knowledge of algorithmic design techniques shall be required for the course


Starting from the notion of the single surface project, the aim of the fall 2008 studio is to examine formal issues of surface modulations using methods and tools that are inherent to algorithmic design.


sâmbătă, 9 mai 2009

The Internet and the Beijing Olympic Games

Beijing hosted a spectacular, uplifting, and distinctive Olympic Games. Statistics from an online survey showed that 231 million or 89.9 percent of Chinese Internet users watched the Olympic Games online; over one billion hours of live and recorded broadcasts were played on and its 100-odd partner websites during the 17-day Games, averaging 60 million hours per day; Chinese online media published over 3.3 million items of Olympic news, averaging some 20,000 per day. These are unprecedented statistics.

During the Olympic Games, CCTV provided nine channels delivering live and recorded broadcasts of 2,715 hours of coverage of 1,944 Olympic events, and provided a separate channel for all 28 Olympic sports and covered all events live – a total of 3,800 hours. also delivered 9,732 webcasts totaling 4,013 hours. Online broadcasts far exceeded conventional TV broadcasts in terms of total hours, and became the world's first new media organization to deliver live and recorded broadcasts of an entire Olympic Games.



Design techniques for static information are well understood, their descriptions and discourse thorough and well-evolved. But these techniques fail when dynamic information is considered. There is a space of highly complex systems for which we lack deep understanding because few techniques exist for visualization of data whose structure and content are continually changing. To approach these problems, this thesis introduces a visualization process titled Organic Information Design. The resulting systems employ simulated organic properties in an interactive, visually refined environment to glean qualitative facts from large bodies of quantitative data generated by dynamic information sources.


using the process of organic information design to visualize the changing structure of a web site, juxtaposed with usage information

What does a web site’s structure look like? A site is made up of thousands of pages, all linked together in a tree-shaped structure. A ‘map’ of the structure can be drawn using illustration software, but the diagram quickly becomes tangled in anomalies because the site is not as hierarchical as would be expected. To further complicate matters, the contents of the site are continually changing. Web pages are added and removed daily, so by the time the map could be finished, it would already be inaccurate. How can these changes be represented visually?

How can a connection be made between the site’s usage statistics and that structure? How can the paths that visitors take through the site be expressed? A number next to each page could keep track of the total number of visitors, but because the traffic patterns are continually changing, it becomes clear that the
totals aren’t as useful as hoped.

luni, 20 aprilie 2009

Magnetic pattern reloaded

I'm working on the definition for a hypotrochoid in order to affect it afterwards whitin the magnetic field deformation definition

These are several instances of the way the upper definition works (still in progress)

complexity of pattern dependending on forces fields

vectors of magnetic field

magnetic lattice

First Presentation